About Me

Hi, I'm Rainey McGuigan and I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you. Thank you for visiting my site, Disaster Shelters. For the past few years, I've been a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, and during that time I've discovered how important a well-built disaster shelter can be. Recently it occurred to me that it would be a good idea if I could create a place where I could bring all of this great experience and put it in one place. The end result was this little site; a place where you can get information on every aspect of disaster shelters. I'd like this site to be interactive, so if you have any questions or would like to leave a message, please feel free. Thanks for stopping by.

Posts Tagged ‘shelter’

Underground Bomb Shelter

When the majority of people think of a bomb shelter, they think of some rusty old steel little capsule or a dark dungeon, but there are no limitations on what you can do with an underground bomb shelter as far as design. An underground bomb shelter is more than just a shelter, when the land is filled with radiation because of a nuclear fallout, an underground bomb shelter may need to serve as a home for many years.

It would seem that life underground is a miserable thing, but what many people do not realize is that living in an underground bomb shelter does not have to be a life of suffering. Sure, the effects of the blast can be very emotionally devastating and most shelters that people create are very hard, cold and basic but an underground bomb shelter does not have to be that way. The time that you spend in an underground bomb shelter can be almost as good as living at home, plus the protection that it gives will save your life.

One of the things that you should consider when building an underground bomb shelter is location. Your underground bomb shelter should not only protect you from exposure, but also from intruders. There are many locations that terrorists attack because they want to rule the people in that area that survive. They may go out and locate underground bomb shelters after the levels of radioactive materials have lowered to certain point and survey the land for underground bomb shelters to attack. For this reason, security must be high and should be included in your underground bomb shelter, but that is just about the doors and has nothing to do with what you include in the interior.

When your underground bomb shelter is decorated and has all the comforts of home, you will not even think about the harmful fission that is going on outside. What you need to spend your energy on is making sure that you will enjoy life inside your underground bomb shelter. An underground bomb shelter can be more than one room. When the explosion hits, you will have everything you need and want in your underground bomb shelter and be able to stay there for many years.

Reading the materials that they have today about an underground bomb shelter will have you so wrapped up in concerns with gamma rays that you might not think that life can be normal inside a bunker. Of course, it is true that your first concern should be to build an underground bomb shelter that keeps you safe from radiation and to fill it with a large storage of food and supplies, but do not stop there.

Very Important Reasons Why you Need a Bomb Shelter

Shield yourself and your family from a bomb blast and nuclear fallout with your very own bomb shelter. What will you do during a nuclear bomb attack? By the time you get to a government bomb shelter, if you can find one, it will be too late. The blast of a nuclear bomb is not the only thing that kills. In this article you will learn more about bomb shelters and why you need one of your very own.

No other shelter will be able to give you the protection that a bomb shelter can provide. A bomb shelter will keep you safe underground where you will be protected from radiation. You should get your very own bomb shelter and have the protection that you need. Good thoughts are not going to save your life in the event of nuclear fallout, a bomb shelter will. The next time a group of terrorists decides to jack a plane and put a nuclear bomb on it, will you have a bomb shelter or not?

Bomb shelters are fitted with everything you need, from ventilation systems to electricity generators. You and your family might be underground for a long time and it is imperative that you make the shelter into a second home in case disaster hits. So, stock canned food and water, toys for the kids, reading material to pass the time and most importantly, measuring equipment to check on the fallout outside. You do not want to stay in the shelter for longer than is needed.

If you have your very own bomb shelter, you can gather your family members and save them from the radioactive death that spreads across the ground. The systems that are installed on the bomb shelter will help to keep your family alive.

When a disaster occurs and you are unprepared you will not be able to go back and change time. Instead, get your very own bomb shelter now while you still have a chance. The doors of the bomb shelter are air-tight and radiation-proof, keeping you safe. Many people who own their own home choose to build a bomb shelter on their property and you can be one of them. Do not let disaster catch you off-guard. Get your very own bomb shelter and be prepared!